Ucenter Dress items to wear for the grade of 5th graduation purpose

Vlog for Week 7

I lost a precious week from training cause I caught a bad flu bug, that gave me cough, fever, cold, sore throat, and diarrhoea. What a shebang but I'm a lot better now.
Since I was sick, I didn't train but I did maintain a healthy diet plan. I brought up the carbs a bit and maintained with protein as the majority of my nutrition pie chart.


Todays vlog i suggest the foods that you should be eating when you're sick. I say this because I know first hand that I wanted to eat all kinds of gunk. But here's where I want to say being sick doesn't give you an all access pass to eat crap. For me I calculated macros and it's even more important to eat nutritious foods because you're body needs it for repair. Ucenter Dress items to wear for the grade of 5th graduation purpose

Furthermore, I had no choice but to resort to antibiotics. Not good but how do i combat the meds that will also kill my good bacteria and maintain my gut health, keep watching :)

I'm down to 4 weeks left!!!! OMGOSHHH, There's so much to be done and i'm starting to get a lot more anxious now. Wish me all the best, honestly this round doesn't have optimal situations but i will make do and press on.

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